Research for yourself.
Think for yourself.
Trust yourself.
Fear no more.

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Copyright and legal information in times of intolerance

ABARIS Angstambulanz SM Legal Notice

The ABARIS Angstambulanz℠ is a division of The Coaching Institute LLC, a Limited Liability Company registered and domiciled in the United States of America. Within its non-profit social and societal commitment, the ABARIS Angstambulanz℠ provides qualified English-speaking and German-speaking psychotherapists and informs about cognitive life coaching, cognitive psychotherapy and behavioral therapy for the highly efficient and highly discrete solution of individual problems with anxiety, panic disorders and phobias. As part of the same charitable social and societal commitment, the ABARIS Angstambulanz℠ publicly discusses and publishes psychotherapeutic, socio-political and scientific topics. Forasmuch this website of the ABARIS Angstambulanz℠ is a private website without any commercial interests.

The services of the ABARIS Angstambulanz℠ are commercial-free, free of charge and not subject to any approval or control obligation; accordingly, there is no competent supervisory authority for the ABARIS Angstambulanz℠. The ABARIS Angstambulanz℠ offers no medical or therapeutic treatment in the sense of the law and is therefore free of social-law paternalism and regulatory restrictions of Germany, Austria and Switzerland in the interests of its clients.

The ABARIS Angstambulanz℠ takes no liability whatsoever for the actual execution and the concrete individual result of a coaching or psychotherapy, since all coaching and psychotherapy is not carried out by the ABARIS Angstambulanz℠, but entirely by independent and state-approved or licensed psychotherapists in their complete own responsibility.

The content of the ABARIS Angstambulanz℠'s website is overseen by The Coaching Institute LLC. Whilst every attempt is made to ensure that information of the ABARIS Angstambulanz℠ is accurate and up-to-date, some information is subject to change. The ABARIS Angstambulanz℠ and The Coaching Institute LLC will not be held liable for information that is subject to change and reserve the right to alter the content of the website at any time.

The information, considerations and ideas on this website, in particular about political developments and historical events and the assessment thereof, represent exclusively the opinion of The Coaching Institute LLC. This opinion does not necessarily have to correspond to the view of the psychotherapists who only provide the ABARIS Anti-Anxiety Coaching℠ for the ABARIS Angstambulanz℠. The Coaching Institute LLC encourages the free exchange of opinions and ideas as a way to better cognition and mental health and as a prerequisite for social progress.

All rights, including copyright und service mark ABARIS Angstambulanz℠, in the content of this website are reserved by the ABARIS Angstambulanz℠ and The Coaching Institute LLC. In accessing these web pages, you agree that any downloading of content is for personal, non-commercial reference only. No part of this web site may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, unless otherwise stated, without the prior written consent of the ABARIS Angstambulanz℠ and The Coaching Institute LLC.

Please note that this is a web page of a US company in the United States of America and that there is no equivalent legislation of the European term "impressum" in the United States. The Supreme Court of the United States of America decided April 19, 1995, No. 93-986 [514 U.S. 334 (1995)]: "Under our Constitution, [...] Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority. It thus exemplifies the purpose behind the Bill of Rights, and of the First Amendment in particular: to protect unpopular individuals from retaliation — and their ideas from suppression — at the hand of an intolerant society."

Protection of Personal Data in Psychotherapy and Coaching

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1 This e-mail contact is exclusively for the communication with the IT division of The Coaching Institute LLC concerning any technical issues with and informational service for these pages of the ABARIS Angstambulanz℠. If necessary, an information, a suggestion, comment or complaint will be forwarded to the responsible contact person. Application to the ABARIS Angstambulanz℠ for cognitive coaching and anxiety therapy (ABARIS Anti-Anxiety Coaching℠) is for anyone interested only possible via page  ⇢  Coaching Application .
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Vers. 2016.06.29: ABARIS Angstambulanz℠ — Legal Notice

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© 1992—2023 ABARIS Angstambulanz℠, a division of The Coaching Institute in cooperation with Psychotherapie Limited.
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